Sunday, April 1, 2012

I'm on my way..


Unheard whispers echo far and wide in the air
to suddenly appear and disappear, 
again and again..

My eyes looking far and beyond,
My ears trying to decipher their meaning..
I'm tired, 
and then not..
....I've found whom I thought I lost!

Yes, the sleeping yearning awakens to shrug me again,

Follow me,....follow me, dear..

Slowly and more slowly,
Volumes turn audible, 
I sing..
but no sounds again?

I try and try..,
led by unknown colors turning brighter each day..

Yes, am coming,....coming nearer to an unknown, 
who's invisible forever..?

Love is the vehicle taking me every where, 
An unending tireless journey calls me..

I sleep his sleep, 
I drink the ecstasy his words provide me..

I touch, 
I feel, 
I imbibe those words..

They're entwined to produce a sweeter blissful melody,
every time..

Magical moments await me..

Yes, I'm drenched in a divine love,
Where pain becomes bliss, where tears provide joy..

The depths to be attained in days to come..

Never, call me back from such place, 
For I'm on my way,
Farther and farther each day..

I'm joining heavens on earth, 
Join me if you can..

But never call me.. 

For I'm on my way..

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