Wednesday, February 29, 2012

It's time to leave..

Despite best of intentions,
Lead to apprehensions,
Laugh in between,
And I know well,
It's time to leave..

Sonnet: A Maiden

[This is my first trial sonnet,
it may have certain flaws!]

The way to home seemed all up hill,
She watched from below, silently still,
As others walked along in modest pride,
She sung keeping all woes aside,
Efforts threw past discarded stems,
No, she didn't lose those starry diadems,
Do you hear the silent song of morn,
Something within has left her torn,
Smoky clouds of chimney long slept,
As howls of owl nearby dutifully crept,
Shyness leads her to quickly leave,
An innocent charm with a clever heave,
Memoirs of pain are faintly seen,
Love still holds her heart smiles beam.

If it's love..

If this is what is love,
let it be welcomed every where
for, it leaves no scope for stress

She had a special place in his life
though he could not get her as wife

Now, they say suddenly he's changed
Noticeable and strange
as his reactions are obvious
and seen as dubious

The other day, 
he was seen unprovoked 
as the costly china cutlery broke..

his diary was lost,
still his mind didn't toss..

he ate overcooked rice,
praising it as too nice..

his wife wonders every hour,
Is she same or
he has gone too far?

Quest for Love

As footsteps trace yours the soil beneath
 smiles at the perfection of the match..

My eyes focused on a single aim for 
a day when I'll be worthy of your love..

While hatred, hurt, anguish gape feebly
 at the genial spirits thriving in soul..

An undeterred faith I carry and add more
each day to my store strengthens goal..

I had seen words and their effects, 
they'd crossed leaving me bitter..

My friendly gesture amazes them as 
I take major steps in utter vastness..

New leaves are ready to play role as 
sun shine blesses them with promises..

The seeds of passion imbibed by the 
soil swell and burst with youthful joy..

I ask not nor seek queries as resolutions 
teach me more meanings of love..

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A deceiver

Long ago I stood there 
As if he was sure to come 
I pined for him 
grew pale for him 
as if to have love so true 

He never turned to me 
nor asked for me 
rebuke was all I got 
still the hope was there 
for him to share 
those memories full of blue 

And lo 
Years have passed 
age surpassed 
and I see him watch through 
he stands at distance 
asks for instance 
do you love me too? 

My heart so weeps 
my tears sweep 
my cheeks go red with fear 
who is this 
though I know him well 
why is he so weird? 

He asks me more 
I am not sure 
what has brought him here 
I look along to follow a song 
a way so nice and clear 
And where he's gone 
I hear no song 
again a deceiver! 

~Sonal Sonu

As I see you..

I see you 
through and through;
Don't say,
It's not you.

I see you
in everything you do;
Never ask,
How can it be true?

I see you
as I saw you sitting still;
Don't tell,
I was the one who only fell.

I see you
your face the same my eyes did fill;
Don't deny,
You are a mistaken pill.

I see you
as I've always felt you in my dreams;
Never torment,
They're my delusional themes.

I see you
as a mentor, a guide, a lover;
Say what you may,
I'll follow you silently never to bother.

I believe

My friend, have you witnessed the mirth which resides 
In the longings diffusing into what visionaries predict
The new definitions heard as the applauding winds
carry messages of love floating on the high clouds
touching the blue skies talking with the invisible stars
in bright day light as if waiting for birds to wish upon
Last time you dropped few feathers for me to 
treasure in my most precious pages of existence
Watered all along with least expectation of yield
the dormancy of beginnings has a unique joy to hold
The deepest tenderness shies to fondle the care
I always opine my timid senses to believe
the nearness the destiny had planned all the way
I gather moments as they pass by me in jubilation 
These records will be there for us to sing aloud
with all the angels and  fairies of the paradise. Amen


As I feel the lush green surroundings swaddle me,
and watch the waltz of beautiful vibrant flowers, 
My eyes look forward to climbing those trees,
the mountain peaks forbidden in hush-hush dreams,
The barriers diffuse as darkness glimpses means, 
to reach out the unreachable alien shores,
the phrases correspond to the lub-dub sounds
of the foremost force,
the flux of bright ions well up the vessels to and fro, 
messengers of nature blow with bubbly glow, 
the crimson red gore carries for you and me,
waiting for us to explore, adore and finally,
leave the floor....adieu!


On seeing a resemblance
so close,
Have your mind ever
swirled like one of the yo-yoes?
When I disclose I know
what's there behind,
I always get
those blue blows!
I wish there was
a better way my
lines I could compose,
and had some better
ears to listen to
what I say with
no oppose,
As my words
carry no woes,
well aware none
of you are
my foes,
but the choices
which life throws,
takes to such lows,
erasing things your
suppose, leading to
all dull shows,
the downhill course
before it outgrows,
See the sun at the far
end hopefully glows,
as the wisdom
grows and a safe
net you feel
enclosed, while the
events take a new turn,
as the stream of life
smoothly flows,
leaving you muse
the happenings
with a fore-finger
on your nose,
not caring for
the snows and what
made you froze,
concentrating on the
harvest of future and
the seeds your soul
each day sows,
a damn to the tarots
the fake colors
exposed, and
here you see a
new yourself
who dares to
ignore the sounds of
crows, the race
has brought you
to touch the victory,
which ne'er seemed
so close, I'm to myself
what I should be,
bothering least
who does or not
before me, bows,
for I for myself
am 'Complete' !!!

Monday, February 27, 2012

रूठी याद

जगमग-जगमग, झिलमिल-झिलमिल 
खिल-खिल जाये मन हिलमिल-हिलमिल  
मन में रूठी याद बसी है 
कुछ कहती है, कुछ बुनती है 

बैठ मुंडेर पे कूक रही थी इक कोयलिया 
गाये कौन सा गीत जाने कौन संवरिया 

भूली बिसरी यादों से न नाता रखना
मीठी मीठी बातों से मन को बहलाना 

जाने कब कौन दिसा से आ जाये संदेसा 
बोलों की बरसातों में मैं इक हूँ खिलौना 

रातों में घूमा करती है, सपनों को ढूँढा करती है 
खो कर भी कब कौनसा सपना बन जाये अपना 

न जाने किन अधरों की मुस्कानों में खिला करती है 
बस रूठी है, कुछ कहती है, कुछ बुनती है 

कुछ केले के पत्तों पर, कुछ मिटटी की धड़कन पर
कुछ भीगी सी पलकों पर, सिमटी सी सिसकी बैठी है 

जगमग-जगमग, झिलमिल-झिलमिल 
खिल-खिल जाये मन हिलमिल-हिलमिल  
मन में रूठी याद बसी है 
कुछ कहती है, कुछ बुनती है 

-सीमा 'सोनल' 

Saturday, February 25, 2012

सँवरता हुआ कल

कौन हूँ मैं न जाना मैंने 
न जान सकी ..
न जाना भोला बचपन 
न जवानी ही पहचान सकी 
अनजानी जिंदगी 
अनजान ही गुजार दी..
आज अश्रुओं की धारा
बहती है, कहती है
रुक मत, बह 
घटा बन के छा 
पछतावा मत कर
आगे है किनारा..
आँखे खोल तो देख ज़रा 
मुस्कुरा रही हैं ,
नन्हीं जिंदगियां तेरे आगे 
कैसे गम और कैसे अभागे 
किस्मत झुकती है तेरे आगे 
ले चल काफिला अपना 
जहां देगा तेरा साथ आगे..
नासमझ तू नहीं 
नासमझ हैं वो 
जिन्होंने तुझे न जाना 
हिम्मत से है तुझे अपना 
रास्ता बनाना..
न गवां अपने कीमती 
समय, इन अश्रुओं को 
पड़ेगी तुझे इनकी ज़रूरत
इक दिन तेरी आने वाली 
खुशिओं को..
देख तो कहाँ से कहाँ ले 
आया है तुझे तेरा साया 
कहाँ खोया तूने कुछ 
सब कुछ तो है पाया..
साथी खोये हैं, तो पाया है 
इक साथ अनोखा 
क्या कभी देना चाहा 
उसने कोई धोखा?
बीती बिसरी भुला दे 
उठ जा नींदों से 
दुःख- सुख तो हैं 
धुप- छाँव जैसे..
निडर ही दुनिया पे राज 
करते हैं,
गिरते हैं, संभलते हैं,
सत्कर्मों का सदैव
 आगाज़ करते हैं..
न डर तू ए हिम्मत
तुझे किसका गम है ? 
तेरे हर शुभ फैसले में 
शामिल तेरे हम (अपने) हैं.. 
मशाल-ए-जिंदगी उठा 
हाथों में,
निकल पड़ उस राह पर 
जहाँ तेरा कारवां है
मिलेंगीं वो मज़िलें तुझे
जिन्हें तूने कभी चाहा था 
हुई थीं गुम वो तुझसे 
वो काला जो साया था..
जला वो रौशनी तू अपनी 
न कर अंधेरों से गिला 
थक कर रुक न जा 
तूफान भी तेरा सहारा था..
कल जो बीत चुका है, 
जाने दे,
आने वाला कल 
सँवरने को बेताब है,
उसे हाथों में समेट ले ..

- सीमा 'सोनल'

Friday, February 24, 2012

Longing is better!

We met,

We kissed,

We embraced,

We cried,

We shared,

And then...



Now, what







It was

A mere dream..



Longing is better!!

Dreams best!!!

Let's dream





I'm waiting too..

Talk to me,
I say,
talk to me..

No one's there

A shadow
I saw,

Why it 

I wait, 
nothing appears..

Deep within
I crave..


in this life..

I'm waiting too..

Relieve Me, Please..

An emptiness within
takes to places
as if something,
waits to fill it,
so well..

Just in case,
it happens,
deep within,
also a knowledge,
only empty wishes..

Hollowness has
its own place,
undeniable, irrefutable,
feel it,
it tells tales,
listen to it, 
ears attentive..

I stand at the shores,
empty hands,
looking at the sky, 
soul screaming,
what is my destiny?
where is my will?

I know nothing,
nor want anything,
dying each day,
fighting for the way,
I give up..

Another empty wish 
pleads before 
my barren eyes,
wait for death
to come..

Relieve Me, Please..

I know,
I'm left powerless
here too..

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A Creeper

Entwined around the bark
Entrapping the softness 
Messages circulating within
To grow higher up
As the support nourishes
the caring cause
The beauty of a tree
with a creeper around it
Spreads aroma of togetherness
The tender one protected
in the arms of the strong
A well known story of 
an illuminating bond.

Seema Lekhwani

My Mother

She's my mother
Who wipes my tears
Asks me my reasons
Which led me to 
unknown fears
I grudge whole day 
in her absence
I forget my sorrows 
in her caring presence
My problems seek
her utmost solutions
As she brings her
experience to tackle
them against all delusions
My love is always asking
for more
She's made from feelings
all divine and so pure
A mother is a joy in lives
of all children of the world.

Seema Lekhwani
01:47 PM

Monday, February 20, 2012

I saw dawn..

The darkest sky
spelled by the first ray
as cool breeze
whispered 'glory is near';
The moon held breath, smiled
as the stars drew twilight curtains;
Soft spoken hymns spread 
uplifting the ambiance,
as birdies left their homes
to bring back food 
for their nestlings;
Solemn trees gently swayed
as new leaves opened,
welcoming folks on 
silent boulevards;
A stray dog yawned 
at the other side,
cuddled up 
with a lazy gaze;
A perfect stage was set 
for the sun to play 
the day's part...

Seema Lekhwani
1:40 AM

Sunday, February 19, 2012

I look upon..

I look upon the glittering lamps in the dark sky
Touching their flames to warm up cold desires
Dead leaves degrade to be leaves of next bloom
'Purify thy soul', the winds blow to one's gloom

I look upon the tapping rain drops' sounds
Craving for a gentle melody core doth found
Scorched eyes soothed as an oasis in desert
A mirage of blessings shine on earthy days

I look upon chirpings hidden in dense leaves
Feathered creatures playing merry and gay
The tiniest bough amused in their playful ways  
Lend them an endless fun till the sun hides at bay

I look upon whistling winds chased by thunders
Strength of hundred miles per hour seems blunder
Shaking windows and sounds of breaking glass
Awaken the earth before clouds' downpours start

I look upon the deep ever dying depths of seas
Precious treasures brought to shores by waves of glee
Walking on sandy beaches leaving imprints of art
Hands flow with dreams as a mermaid is cast 

I look upon the coolest glowing sun at dawn
Flowers turn their faces as curtains withdrawn
A distant vision promises brightness and cheer
Steps take me where I steer all hurdles clear

I look upon the rocks at the peakest noon
Hardened with might calling for the coolest moon
Burning surfaces plead in want of a shady bloom
Dreams shape reality as deeds spin in toiled loom

Seema Lekhwani
6:52 PM

Monday, February 6, 2012

Purple Spring

Violets And Butterflies Plants
A joy among flowers, love of garden brings.
Stunning little flowers, blossoming in spring.

A look around to pick, standing out flowers.
An amazing deep touch, mystic purple power.

Sun loving perennials,beautiful, purple waves.
Contrasts and patterns amazing texture lays.

An adornment of purple, perking up garden.
A vanilla tinged fragrance, asking nature's pardon.

Adding touch of class, greets reaching Saturn.
Calming tiring minds, perfect for any occasion.

A purification, an elegance serving purpose.
An inspiration, a poet's creative energy to emerge.

Seema Lekhwani
2:17 AM

Sunday Mornings

As the morning sun 
glows with fun,
Smiles search you 
in every corner
till they are done.
Your tea awaits you,
knowing late night 
poems you've spun.
The laptop still awake, 
pleads charging, as 
mobile alarm does run.
The books with markers 
spread throughout, 
I collect to arrange, 
each and everyone.
The joy of having 
Sundays together
even if, chores are
half done!